Friday, October 29, 2010

Back at it


For some reason, I had given up on running.

I don’t know if it was lack of motivation or what, but I just couldn’t get myself to go out and run.

Well, my pants started to fit a little tighter and I noticed my lack of energy and over all feeling of blahness. (yes, that is a word now) Also I was getting more frequent headaches, and I’m so over that.

Back to running I go!

Today I hit the streets for a solid 2.5 miles. Not a lot, but I really feel like I have a lot of ground to make up. It’s super hilly where we live in the city…ok, ok, it’s hilly everywhere but we are right on the edge of Forest Park so it’s even hillier. It was a struggle to get back out, and get moving…but I did it.

Seems to be 21 days to make something a habit? So I hope I can get back on the running wagon for good by day 21.


Also, Eric and I are considering joining a gym. There is one really close to us, and it has a pool and all the normal weight and cardio machines. As well as classes like spinning, and yoga or pilates.

It would be nice to be able to lift weight and take classes in the winter months. Also on a super rainy day, be able to run inside.

And on that note, I will leave you with a photo I took while driving alone through Idaho. I think it’s beautiful. photo

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Fall is here.
I think today's high MIGHT reach 54.
Why is it in the spring 54 seems soo warm but in the fall, 54 feels like winter is here?

I am a bad blogger and since I have lots of time on my hands (only working three days a week) I have no excuse. Next week, I am only working Sunday and Saturday so I will have plenty o time.

I have begun knitting. We will see how long this lasts. It would be nice if I would finish this project. I'm making a neckwarmer type thing. Eric actually asked if I would knit him a hat. Now that will be a challenge!

I love the beach. Someday I might want to move to one!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Right Now

Right now, our apartment looks like this.

(It is messy, and I can't handle it...I need some organization in my life!!)

Right now, my husband is making us pizza for lunch.

Right now, I am trying to figure out what to make for dinners this week.

Right now, it is blue and beautiful outside.

Right now, I am wishing I was back here (Prague) sightseeing and having the time of my life.

And right now, I am very thankful for the things we have.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

My first day

I started work yesterday.
I think it went pretty well. It's different than anything I have done.
In a nut shell, I make sure the store looks good. Ok, I'm basically the janitor.
I clean the bathrooms, the dining area, sweep the floor, get carts, bag groceries take things out to people's cars, take out the trash and compost...and lots more.

It's not a bad job, it's just not one I want to stay in forever. Def a good way to get into the company though.
Yesterday was tough because I have been trying to fight off a cold and I was all sneezy and coughy yesterday. Yes, those are now words. I think I slept 11ish hours last night, and I still feel gross and tired today.

What is making me feel better-these pretty awesome gingersnaps we are making. OVERLOAD on the ginger, but not in a gross way. You just know your eating ginger.

Eric had a job interview on Monday, and we have yet to hear back anything. When he left, the HR lady was already gone, so he doesn't know when to look for a call or anything. I guess we are just hoping the end of the week.

Ok, I'm off to rest up before I head to work. 3-11 today, and 3-11 tomorrow. Yikes!

Thursday, October 7, 2010


I have a new friend.
Her name is Janette.
She has her nail technician license.
She took me and another friend to a salon store that sells the products you find in salons at cost or below.
She was buying hair dye, but I went along for the ride.
I found some gorgeous nail polish that was 50% less than in the store,but the exact same product.

However, upon coming home, I realized that I am obsessed with a particular color.
Yes, that is the EXACT same color by three different brands.
I bought the one in the middle today.

I also bought this gorgeous color that I am going to be putting on my nails tonight.

In other non girlie news. I start my job tomorrow.
Well, I have orientation...which is basically starting the job.
I am pretty nervous, but also really excited.

Oh, one more thing! Eric has a job interview on Monday. 2:30!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Today I had two interviews.
One was a follow up interview at New Seasons market. I had previously interviewed with them last week on Saturday.
The other was for a cooking school downtown that has a retail store front.

I think both of the interviews went really well. I felt confident, and calm. Not really nervous at all.

Here's the problem. I want to work at both places for totally different reasons.
And I don't know what to do if they both give me an offer.

See, I would like to work at New Seasons because they are a local market that is just like Whole Foods but better. They pay the better out of the two, and there is a lot of opportunity to move up there. HOWEVER, the job I might be offered is a temporary position with a chance to be hired in after the holidays. Not a guarantee though. Also, there is no promise of a certain amount of hours. The manager today eluded to the fact that I would work from 2-5 days a week. Always on the weekends.
Last's 45-50 min out of town. And I would mostly be working the night shift which would get me home around midnight.

The reason I want to work at the cooking school is,'s a cooking school. I would be able to listen in on the classes and learn more. It's so close to our house. Literally 1 mile. The hours are 10-6 which are awesome. And it's a guaranteed 25-30 hour a week thing. HOWEVER, it only pays $8.40 with a possibility of a raise after 30 days. It would be working in the retail atmosphere-so trying to stay busy, cleaning, straightening. Also, no real chance to move up in the company. Retail is it.

DILEMMA!!! Argh, what do I do?
Now this is saying they both offer me a position, which I know might not happen, but I'm trying to plan for best/worst case scenario.

Yikes. I need to pray on this big time.

Monday, October 4, 2010


Tonight we volunteered at a homeless shelter.
What an experience.
We served them food and then had a mini devo afterwards.
I was and still am blown away by the evening.
I guess I have never had much contact with people that are homeless, besides seeing them on the street or hanging out by a shelter.
Tonight we got to say a few words to them, pray with them, sing with them, and sit near to them and just listen.
I came out of the shelter feeling so sad and blessed at the same time.

It was funny because while we were serving dinner, there were three types of people that would come through the line. The kind of person who said nothing. The kind of person who was angry that they didn't get more, and the kind of person who said thank you.

Then when we were having the closing prayer at the devo, they asked if there were any prayer requests. Here are some of them.

Pray that I can kick my drug addiction.
Pray that I can find a job.
Pray that I can get off of the street.
Pray that I can find my family.
Pray that I can get my son out of foster care.

Are you kidding me? I'm praying for a new bike, a new wardrobe, a new whatever...and they are just praying that they can figure out where their family is.
I was definitely put in my place tonight.

All of my life, I have judged people that live on the street. I figured if they really wanted, they could get a job. Or get a house, or a new life. That they just chose to live on the street.

I'm ashamed of myself.

Tonight, I am praying that God will soften my heart and help me to be thankful for what we have.