I meant to get this out yesterday but I havn't been feeling the best and I had to work in Holland so time just got away from me.
I saw this done on a couple of blogs that I read but they usually do three things Thursday...so I thought, since I am so unique (haha) I would do two things Tuesday. Was is it exactly? Well it's going to be two things that I love, or two things that I hate, or one thing I love and one thing I hate. Let's get started shall we?
1. I saw this in the store yesterday and it made me remember how much I hate these things.

And the second thing...
2. I hate that Eric has to work on my birthday. I know that's selfish and I shouldn't expect him to drop everything and stay home with me, but birthday's kinda suck if you have to spend them alone. At least I don't have to work on my birthday-although then at least it would help the day move along a little faster. I am looking forward to a nice dinner tonight, and maybe going out for drink afterwards? =o)
I hope your humpday is a good one!
I hope your humpday is a good one!
I totally agree with you about the sign. I know what its like for a 3 year old not listen to you but thats no reason to but them on a leash. There is always holding there hand or pushing them in a stroller or cart. And also if your child is on a leash don't you still have to watch them and make sure they're not getting into things? So like you said whats the point?