It has been two months since my last post and I can honestly say life has slowed down a little. School is much less stressful and I almost don't even have homework on the weekends. ha
I have entered into the management part of school, and its basically 4-5 hours a day of class room time. I am taking a Service skills class (basically learning how to serve (waitress) a dining room successfully), I am taking a computer ops class, (learning word and excel) and a wine tasting class. Delicious.
Also in the afternoons after class is out, I am working in the dining room as a server. That's a four week long thing and I can honestly say that I can't wait for it to be over.
I do not like the whole serving aspect of a restaurant. I would much rather be the one cooking.
Although I have heard that I have a very wonderful demeanor in the dining room. I had two women hug me and tell me that I had the best smile and attitude. Another woman told me that I looked like Brittany Spears...yeah that kind of ruined my day.
I can't quite get over the fact that it's the middle of May already and we still are having rainy 50 degree days. Spring is taking it's time arriving. Doesn't it know I am ready for it??
My birthday is on Thursday and I can't say that I am to excited about it. 23 seems so young still, and it's not a "big" birthday like 25 or I think it will go by quietly.
I did buy myself a birthday's a new tattoo. I'll put a photo of it up below.
Otherwise, I don't know if I have to much exciting news. We are just plugging along in life. Trying to take in this beautiful city and enjoy our lives here in Portland. I will for sure try and post more often. I have time now, so no excuses.

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