1. Run three marathons, plus a half and a 15k at least.
- Shamrock Run, Sunday March 13.
- Race for Roses half, Sunday April 3.
- Vernonia Marathon, Sunday April 10.
- Seattle Marathon, Saturday June 25.
- Foot Traffic Flat, Monday July 4.
- Portland Marathon, October 9.
2. Start a garden, and take a gardening class.
3. Travel to at least 2 new places.
4. Fall more in love with this man.
5. Find a job that I love.
I don't know where it will be, but a big goal for me this year is to find a job that I absolutely love. I have never had a job like that. Life is to short to hate where I am, or what I'm doing. I must do something I love, or I will go crazy.
6. Do something that scares me.
I dont want to get to comfortable in life. I want challenges and adventure. Therefore, I must do something that scares the you know what out of me, every so often. Put myself out there in an awkward situation so that I can change, learn, adapt, discover. I think I am going to start by taking a class at the local community college. No, not english or math...but better! I'm not going to share what class just yet. But when I start, I will be sure to spill.
Ok. I think that's it. I dont want to overload myself with goals. A few good hard ones will do. I hope putting this out there will keep me accountable. Sometimes you need a good kick in the pants you know?
Anyone out there have any goals they want to share?
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