This morning I had a pancake fail. I know, it's not that hard to mess up pancakes but I was making them without eggs and with pumpkin puree and from scratch and I guess I just had my ratios off..? Anyways, they were pretty darn soggy and kind of gross. The maple syrup helped a lot. ha.
Also, if you haven't checked out Soy Nog, you must!!! It's so so yummy. I put a little (ok a lot) in my coffee and it makes it really good. Rice nog is also really good, but Eric doesn't like it as much so we don't get it. I am going to stock up before they stop carrying them though!

Secondly, I made a spur of the moment decision this morning and signed up for
Shamrock Run 2011. I am going to be doing the 15k.

I'm pretty excited. The course looks a little challenging, with a climb around mile 4, but it will be good training for the marathon in April. The best part of this race is the entry few comes with: a tech t, free beer at the end, free lunch and a finishers medal. Nice! Not bad for $35 bucks.
Last thing, I am 100% done Christmas shopping! Wahoo!! I even went ahead and stuffed Eric's stocking because I was so excited about it. Yes, I know thats not "traditional", but who cares.
ok-I'm off!
hey, i'll totally be in Portland for that Shamrock Run! Eric and i can both cheer you on