Thursday, September 2, 2010


More walking. And walking. And walking.

We were going to go for a run tonight but after all the miles we put in today, a run seemed like waaay to much work.
p.s. I have not run since before we first left Michigan. yikes.

I have an interview tomorrow for a restaurant that is hiring a kitchen intern? I don't really know anything about the position but in the email the guy said it's an unpaid internship but you get a portion of the tips?
I don't know. But I am going to go tomorrow just to find out more about it.

I also applied at Whole Foods today.
And then I called and talked to a manager who said they have over 100 people apply for this position.
I am praying for an interview but with odds like that, who knows.

We have kind of exhausted our resources for a job for Eric.
Meaning-we have gone to all the places that we could think of off hand. Now we're at the the point where we/he is searching online for postings. Still praying one of the resumes he dropped off will get a call back.

I think the week before Labor Day weekend was a bad week to begin the job search because most people seem to be out of their office. Or maybe they have heard a nasty rumor about us and don't want to hire us.

I have decided my hair needs to either grow like a weed or I am going to cut it off.
I can't take this in between business.

We went to Whole Foods tonight and bought some bulk grains.
I definitely got organic steel cut oats for .99 a pound. LOVE.

Eric has planned a run for us tomorrow morning that will probably make me want to cry and move back to Michigan.
I can't take all these hills/mountains.

Sweet Dreams!

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